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NADJI : vegetables & spices sauce


popular tomato sauce

It is a popular tomato sauce served with rice or fonio during the lunch time in many Malian family. You can add the Nadji sauce on your potato, pasta, meat, couscous and more……

AKADI : Mango & chili hot sauce

AKADI: Mango and chili hot sauce

is a word in Bambara and means delicious

This is the word that best describes our mango chili sauce because it takes any dish from bland, boring to flavorful and

French crêpe

French crêpe  - myafricancuisine

Milk and butter

These French crêpes start with all-purpose flour

French crêpes are good for weekend breakfasts, or even for desserts. Serve rolled up and filled with jam or fruit and whipped cream.

Chicken skewers

Chicken skewers - myafricancuisine

NIAMAKOU: ginger juice

NIAMAKOU: ginger juice

DABLÉNI: hibiscus & mint juice

DABLÉNI: hibiscus & mint juice

Tuna pie or vegetables pie

Tuna pie or vegetables pie

Event Info


March 26 – 28, 2020


1243 Divi St. San Francisco, CA

10am – midnight