DABLÉNI: hibiscus & mint juice


Hibiscus flower juice: bissap (Senegal); karkadé (Egypt),
agua de Jamaica (Mexico), foléré (Cameroon), dableni (Mali, Ivory Coast, or Burkina), karakandji (Central African Republic), zobo (Nigeria), Ngai Ngai (Congo), rose tea, Empire
tea, soreel Pharaoh’s drink, etc.

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DABLÉNI: hibiscus & mint juice
is a word in Bambara a national language of Mali. The word comes from Da (hibiscus flower) and bleni(red). It is a juice that you will find on
every street corner and the most served during wedding ceremonies or Festival. Here are the most common names for the Hibiscus flower juice: bissap (Senegal); karkadé (Egypt),
agua de Jamaica (Mexico), foléré (Cameroon), dableni (Mali, Ivory Coast, or Burkina), karakandji (Central African Republic), zobo (Nigeria), Ngai Ngai (Congo), rose tea, Empire
tea, soreel Pharaoh’s drink, etc.



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